STG3 Gary Huesties & Bill Inman after a very wet
refueling at sea between Yokosuka and Subic Bay.
August 1968

Playing cards in the berthing compartment.
(L-R) Frank Biggs, Bill Inman, Leon Kulas, Bill
December 1968

Christmas Eve in Sonar
(L-R) FTG2 Bill Mitcheltree, Field,Terry Bayley (blocked),
and STG2 Dave Brammer
December 1968

Christmas Eve in Sonar
STG2 Truesdell and Terry Bayley (back), and STG2 Dave
December 1968

STG3 Dave Brammer on fantail.
October 1968

STG3 Gary Huesties
at the winch of the BT on the fantail.
FTG2 Terry Bayley(left)
STG3 Dave Brammer

STG 3 Gary Huesties
P.O. of the Watch
July 1968

Gary Huesties
in Sonar

STG3 Gordon 'Gordy' Goerts and STG3 Gary Huesties Soaked
after refueling at sea between Yokosuka and Subic Bay. Gary
said 'Our shoes squished with rain water.'
August 1968

Ron Wells cooking on a Sunday afternoon cookout on the
October 1968

GMG2 Powell played Santa Clause for Chrismas morning
refuling at sea.
December 1968

Second Division Leaders
L-R Ensign McDonald, GMG2 Powell, GMGC Chastain
January 1969

GMG SN Horton
Second DIV on fantail watch in Subic Bay
January 1969

BM SN Howard 'Spider' Morrill on the boat deck.
November 1968

FTG2 Terry Bayley
Helmsman Special Sea and Anchor Detail entering Yokosuka,
Japan 1968
Tom 'Red' Holmes
Messenger of the Watch
July 1986

USS Weiss
alongside a distroyer in port at Subic Bay
August 1968

RD3 Ray Wasden and SN Carr ashore in Vung-Tau at the
Beachcomer Club.
October 1968

Gordon Goertz on the left and Leon Kulas February of 1969 as the ship was arriving at Yokosuka, Japan.