Our Adventure 2000
1 Yuba City,
CA to Quartzsite, AZ
17 to January 21
2 Quartzsite
to Parker Dam, AZ
21 to March 1
3 Parker Dam,
AZ to
Lancaster, Ca and Escapees Escapade.
March 1
to May 1
4 Lancaster,
back to Arizona, the California Delta, Yuba City
May1 to
June 1
Our Adventure 2000
Photo Album
1 - Borax Mine
& Visitors
2 - Quartzsite
3 - The Parker
Strip, Arizona
4 - Royal Air
Force Parachutists
2000 Home
LaPosa South LTVA
Drummond's RV Poem
View of Quartzsite Arizona
Our 1998-1999
Excelent Adventure Travelog is still online

The Borax Visitors Center
Boron California
A summary of our Adventure.
a detailed description of our travels follow the
On Monday, January
17th, we said good-by to family and friends in Yuba City and
headed south for warmer weather in Quartzsite, AZ.
We arrived at
Posa South LTVA on Friday January 21st. On the 22nd we met
with some RVclub.com members. There was another
RVClub.com get together on the 29th. It was fun to meet up
with folks we've exchanged e-mails with for so long. We also
renewed acquaintances with members we first met at the
Lodi get
together last
We had planned to hang
out in Quartzsite for a month or two but our e-mail setup
wasn't working too well. Also, just before we left Yuba
City, we made arrangements to do a web site so we decided we
needed hookups and a phone.
Our home during
February and March was Castle Rock
Shores RV Resort in Parker Dam Arizona. We had a nice stay
and while we were there we met with friends Betty &
Everett Emmons, Buddy & Gayle Lee and Bill Hanley. We
also met Tom
& Kay Seliskar.
On April 1st we headed
to California. First stop was Twentynine Palms where we
visited Joshua Tree Monument and Giant Rock in Landers. Next
stop was Jojoba Hills Escapees park near Hemit. Staying two
nights allowed us a day to explore a little bit of the area.
From Jojoba Hills we traveled north to Lancaster.
While in Lancaster we
attended the spring Escapees' Escapade but instead of
parking at the fairgrounds we stayed with Fran's #1 son and
his family and drove to the fairgrounds each day.
On Saturday the 29th
we returned to Ft. Mohave Arizona to participate in the
Escapees' Woodcarvers workshop for a week. We had a great
time and we each managed to carve a gnome figure.
After the workshop we
returned to California and stayed a week at our home park
Royal Oak Resort at Kingsburg. While in Kingburg we took a
couple of day trips to explore the area. The longest trip
took us to Pinnacles Monument and Hollister via route 25. We
returned to Royal Oak on back roads driving through several
small valley towns.
On the way to Yuba
City we stayed three nights in the California Delta at
Lighthouse Resort. We took one day and toured the delta
looking for an RV park that can accommodate next year's
woodcarver workshop. No luck though, the two parks we had in
mind were already booked and one was taking reservation for
Now we're in Yuba
City, California for the summer. But just because we've
parked the house for a few months doesn't mean we've stop
taking day trips and exploring.
On Saturday, June, 4th
we took a ride down to Alameda Ca. and toured the WWII
Aircraft Carrier USS
Hornet. We
spent several hours there and explored most of the ship that
was open to the public.
Colorado river rv