Steven L Fletcher
& Fran Crawford full time RVing Travelog: January 17 to
January 21
We spent the holiday
season with relatives in northern California so we were a
little bit late in getting away from Yuba City this season.
Monday, January 17 finally found us able to hit the road.
Our Y2K standby status turned out to be totally uneeded so
we upgraded to a wireless, same-rate-everywhere
digital/analog phone, call forwarded our land line to it;
gave my friend, Lorine, a handful of priority mail envelopes
and initiated hitch-up procedures.
Travelhome Park owners
Susan and David were to leave the same day for southern
California. We only planned to make it to Kingsburg the
first day, but we challenged them to a friendly, unofficial
'see who can get outta Dodge first' contest. They pulled out
around 10 a.m. and we hit the streets about an hour later.
We graciously conceded, but then WE didn't get up at the
crack o' dawn!
First we went around
the block to Ray's Tire Store and aired up the tires. Next
we headed out to Morning Star Trucking's scale to check our
weight... always depressing. By that time Steve had decided
the brakes weren't right so I phoned RV Dave to see if he
would be at his shop for a few minutes and we went by there.
He made a minor adjustment and helped us get out of his
crowded parking lot and we were finally on our way.
Rain was the
descriptive weather word for the day. Spit and sputter
mostly, but we did get a really good downpour or two. Even
though we know the route well, I spent most of the time
trying to get the new GPS to work. I had the route all laid
out and just couldn't get any satellites to find us or get
the little arrow to follow us along.
It's been less than a
year since we last traveled this section of 'the 99', but it
is still amazing to see all the new additions along the way.
Lots of road work and the cities, especially Fresno, are
going through tremendous growing spurts... in all directions
it seems.
We turned off 99 at
the Flying J by Ripon to get gasoline and try out my new
Flying J discount card. It worked... a penny per gallon
less! The folks at that particular Flying J are a bunch of
'nuts'... always jovial and kidding each other and the
customers. The clerk told me how I could use my card to get
the discount at the pump with an ATM card. I thanked him and
said now I wouldn't have to come in and take all the abuse
they dish out!
As we came out of
Flying J and headed over the overpass to get on 99 south
through all the construction going on there, we came to
onramp crossroads down between huge mountains of dirt piled
high so no one could tell where anyone else at the
intersection was. The truck ahead of us pulled forward too
far and stopped so that the truck coming from the right
couldn't make a left turn. The one ahead of us (from Canada)
had to back uphill on the wet pavement toward us!!! Steve
finally got out to signal the driver as to how far he could
come back without hitting us... there was a lineup behind us
so we couldn't to back up. Finally the left-turning truck
was able to make it around. Traffic was backed up to 99 on
the exit ramp in one direction and back to the Flying J in
another. What a mess!! But we all survived.
We arrived at Royal
Oak Resort, in Kingsburg, where we are charter members,
around 4 p.m. and promised the not-unfriendly, but
definitely not a people person, man in the gatehouse that we
would report to him immediately when we had selected a
suitable site. We planned to stay there a couple of
When I set my plants
out to air them it was a good thing I remembers to cover
them... it rained hard during the night... off and on. I
couldn't get an English speaking station on my radio, but
found the weather channel on my scanner.
The forecast that
night was not good. It was cold and was to continue cold and
rainy with snow levels dropping in Kern County. We didn't
know the elevation of the Tehachapi Mountains but we wanted
to get east of them in case they were scheduled for snow so
we decided to head out Tuesday morning.
It was around 11 when
we pulled out. Small patches of blue were appearing in the
southern and western sky. We got gas at the Chevron station
in Kingsburg then headed south.
Again I worked without
success at trying to get the GPS to register some satellites
to show us how it would work. By Bakersfield I was overcome
by frustration and gave up. So we listened to Sacajawea on
Crossing the
Tehachapis went well except that because we are so overwight
we slowed to 35 MPH on some of the grades. In the past we've
never fallen below 45 MPH. The rain was gone and the sky
cleared as we went up the hill on Route 58. The mountains
are beautiful to see, no matter what season it is. The high
desert is always different and interesting. That day all the
wind mills on the eastern slopes were in perfect sync,
gently churning out power for the wind farmers.
We refueled once again
at the Chevron station in Mojave (spelled with a 'j' in
California) and headed east on SR 58 thinking we might stop
over in Barstow. We never know what we will do next!
Just east of Mojave on
an airstrip we saw about a dozen bright, new looking Federal
Express planes. There were other planes there also, unmarked
so we thought it must be a workshop for putting graphics on
airplanes. We'll have to try to find out more about it when
we return to Lancaster.
The land State Route
58 crosses is flat but we felt we were gradually going up.
The desert was dotted with Joshua trees. As we got closer to
Boron we decided to stay there and take in the Borax
Visitors Center. It is on the north side of the road just
west of Boron. South of the highway and Boron is Edwards Air
Force Base. The only part to be seen from this point,
however, is the rocket development site atop the mountain
behind the town of Boron.
A sign along the road
advertised that the Arabian Trailer Oasis had full hook-ups
for RVs for $12. Sounded good to us and even turned out
better... they give a $1 off to Escapees! They are also good
neighbors for C2C but heck, save your coupons for a pricier
one! There were only a couple of spaces available and we
backed into one of them and I went to the office to pay
The park managers are
full timers from Tennessee who work in the winter and travel
when it gets too hot to be here.
By the time we were
connected to shore power it was dinner time. We needed a few
groceries and while we were 'uptown' we decided to find a
good hamburger. When we asked a woman leaving the grocery
store where the best place to get a good burger was she said
the 'best place' had just closed for the day. She knew,
because she owned it! So we went to the K & L Corral
(the 2nd best place) and had dinner. Good food. Fair prices.
BIG menus... 8 pages, and included some town history. Seemed
to be a popular place with local folks.
Steve looked at the
GPS and powerbook and figured out that I had turned on Apple
Talk in an attempt to get Charlie, my powerbook, to talk to
Pinocchio, by big Macintosh and had neglected to reset it.
Small World
Department: At the RV park we were told that some other
folks from Yuba City were there. And then we met a couple
from Ukiah, California. As we talked I found out that she
was born and raised in Aliquippa, Pennsylvania... about 8
miles from whence I came! And probably about the same
Wednesday morning
we got a slow start because we were going to stay another
night in Boron. I went to the office and paid for another
night and Steve visited with the assistant manager who
stopped by our space for a chat. Then we went to the Borax
Visitors Center.
The Center is on top
of a huge hill created with 'overburden' taken from the
mine. It is the material that covers the borax mineral in
the open pit. Each working day they dynamite it to loosen it
up and then haul it off first, before they load up the borax
and take it to storage piles near the plant. Had we arrived
five minutes sooner we could have seen that day's dynamite
exploding!! So much for casual easy going mornings!
The Visitors Center is
interesting and the docents are anxious to tell everyone
about the operation of the mine and plant. After viewing a
short movie about the history and functions of the business
the draperies at the rear of the room opened to give us a
panoramic view of the plant and the open pit mine. Displays
in the center show all facets of the operation from the ore
that is brought up from the mine to the products that
contain some form of borax. You would be amazed to know how
many everyday items contain this valuable mineral.

Click on
this photo to see a larger version.
Outside the center is
a giant tire from one of the huge trucks used to haul loads
from the open pit mine, and a mule train display that
includes original wagons. The Center itself is something to
behold. It is constructed of giant steel culverts strong
enough for the big trucks to drive over. There is actually a
road over it that the trucks used in constructing the
landscaping of rocks around it. On the road to and from the
Visitors Center are Speed Limit signs that announce the
speed limit to be 34.5 mph, or 14 mph.
Back in town we
revisited the Boron Museum. It is expanding to add an
aerospace section and will therefore be able to represent
Boron's history and future.
When we got back to
the park it was almost full again. Chatted with some folks
from Vancouver and some from Oregon. They were headed south
to find warmer weather.
Next morning we headed
east again with scattered clouds and a slight breeze. The
GPS was doing a good job tracking us and we traveled
smoothing through the intersection of SR 395 to Ludlow where
we refueled at the Chevron station. We cruised into Barstow
on an almost-completed new freeway and out of Barstow on
some really old sections of Interstate 40.
Over the mountains to
Needles on Interstate 40 was a new way for us. We did not
know what to expect of the mountains, but they are easy to
cross. Almost all of the way you can see the railroad with
trains coming and going and looking like a trail of ants
heading for the pantry when they are far off. It boggles the
mind how much stuff is transported from here to there and
other stuff back from there to here by rail and by trucks on
the highway. What do we do with all that stuff!!
The high desert
between Barstow and Needles stretches desolate and seemingly
endless in all directions. Small hills protrude upward here
and there from the creosote covered flatness. Joshua trees
were sprinkled here and there until we got up higher. When
we crested the last ridge it is a great sight to see out
over the Colorado River valley at this point. Needles on the
California side of the river is at one end of this valley
and Bullhead City at the other end on the Arizona side. As
we crossed into Arizona we lost an hour. Highway 95 is being
widened through Mohave (spelled with an 'h' in Arizona)
Valley and was crowded with traffic as usual. After we got
settled into space 4143 in Spirit Mountain RV Park we walked
over to the casino to have one of their good hamburger
specials. We dropped a few coins in the slots and for once
in our lives came out with a few more dollars than we took
Back to our rig Steve
worked out how to get our email downloaded and we spent the
evening between catching up on email and checking on the
eclipse that was taking place above us behind a thin layer
of clouds.
Friday we traveled the
now familiar to us Arizona Highway 95 downriver along the
beautiful Colorado River through Lake Havasu City to Parker
and then inland and south to Quartzsite. We eased through
the traffic and checked in to LaPosa South LTVA, found our
spot, unhitched and leveled. Then Steve sat down in a lawn
chair and said "It's good to be home." And that's what it
felt like.